If you're getting hearing aids for the first time, you probably have a lot of questions. At the same time, you might not know exactly what you want or need to ask. You know you need to be informed, but you're not sure which questions you should ask your hearing care professional. There are many questions that could be appropriate, some of which might relate to your hearing and others to hearing aids. If you want to become more informed about hearing aids, there are some key questions to put to your hearing specialist to find the right ones for you.

How will hearing aids improve my hearing?

Naturally, one of the most important things you will want to know is how wearing hearing aids is going to improve your hearing. Hearing aids can help you to hear better, but they won't always restore your hearing completely. They also can't act exactly like your ears, so you can still experience some issues when you use hearing aids. For example, with some hearing aids, you might need to be looking at someone you're talking to if you want your hearing aids to focus fully on the conversation. Your hearing health provider can discuss what hearing aids can do for you and what you can expect from using them.

What style and features are best for you?

There are several different styles of hearing aid that you can wear in various ways and offer different benefits. Some hearing aids are more discreet than others, sitting inside the ear canal. You can get hearing aids with different features, ranging from pre-set programs to Bluetooth connectivity. Talk to your hearing care specialist about which styles and features could work for you. You can discuss your level of hearing loss, your lifestyle, your dexterity, among other things, to find the best hearing aids for you.

Do you need any accessories?

Some hearing aids require accessories to help you look after them. Talk to your hearing care provider about what it takes to look after your hearing aids. A cleaning kit can remove wax and other substances to keep them clean and improve your ear health too. Protecting your hearing aids from too much moisture is important too, and you might want to use a dehumidifier to get rid of excess moisture. It can also be sensible to have a sleeve that will protect your hearing aid from dust, dirt and moisture, especially if you're an active person.

What's included in the price?

Your hearing aids can seem pretty expensive, but there are often various features and services included in the price. The price might also include follow-up visits, adjustments, batteries, and education about how to use and care for your hearing aids. It's important to make sure you know what you're paying for and what you get for your money.

Get informed about hearing aids before you make your purchase. Your hearing care professional can help you learn all you need to know.